Weight Loss Tips

Ed Benskin
4 min readJan 27, 2022

The principles of weight loss are very straightforward, and however, the implementation of those principles are where it comes tricky. A calorie deficit is easy to understand and has been proven in a number of academic studies. Everyone says that eating less and moving more is the mantra when it comes to weight loss. But implementing it is where it comes tricky. Here are some easy and simple strategies you can employ to help you achieve those weight loss goals and nail that calorie deficit.

Focus your meals around protein.

  • When plating up your meal, make sure to have a larger amount of protein than any other food source.

Eating a recommended amount of protein is essential to help preserve your health and muscle mass while losing weight. Evidence suggests that eating adequate protein may improve cardiometabolic risk factors, appetite, and body weight.

Protein is the most filling out of the three macronutrients (Fat, Carbs and Protein). This is partly because protein reduces your level of the hunger hormone ghrelin, and it also boosts the levels of peptide YY, a hormone that makes you feel full. These effects on appetite can be powerful. In one study, increasing protein intake from 15% to 30% of calories made overweight women eat 441 fewer calories each day without intentionally restricting anything.

Therefore, increasing the amount of protein within your meals can help you achieve a calorie deficit.




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